Pure Laziness!

So we caught the beginnings of SeaBiscuit on TV tonight... a movie we actually own on DVD. Did we decide to watch the movie on TV? Yes. Why didn't we put the DVD in and accomplish the task without commercial interuptions? I HAVE NO IDEA!


Miss Notesy said...

That is funny!

Kim's Life said...

I like to put it as going with the flow.

Nicole said...

I did this same thing and blogged about it in My Old Blog. So you aren't the only insane one. Who knows why we do silly stuff like this. I like Kim's idea of going with the flow, but I think it is more laziness like you say. And I REALLY don't like that word, but the truth hurts sometimes!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm gonna go w/ laziness. LOL Don't feel bad though...I'm pretty sure most of us would have done the very same thing!!

Tori :) said...

We do the exact same thing!!

Robin said...

Sounds familiar, we watch movies that we own when they come on tv, rather than watching them at any other time that would make more sense.