I heart clouds

So I have always been in love with clouds. When I first moved out to Utah (from Indiana), the first thing I noticed was of course the mountains, but a close second were the clouds. They completely amaze me. Trust me, they are different from anything I ever saw in Indiana.

So, naturally I started taking photos with my 35 mm film camera. It didn't do them justice. I got so frustrated with the crappy results that I stopped taking photos of my beautiful skies.

Fast forward 12 years. I got a job that requires a 30 minute commute each day. The dawns and dusks are so amazing to witness (on most days) here in Utah. Because I always keep my little Canon Powershot in my purse, on my commute home in the evenings I'll whip out the camera and shoot while I drive. I'm sure it's about as dangerous as texting and driving, but the law isn't saying so, so I keep taking photos while driving home on the week days. (Actually I've been shooting and driving since Liam was put in a forward facing car seat almost 4 years ago.)

This is in my business park next to my work. I was waiting patiently to turn left and just ate up those gorgeous cotton candy clusters!

This one (not as pretty) is something that makes me imagine disaster. That mongo cloud is eating up the mountain! This photo doesn't do the drama of the scene justice, but this stormy weather hides my pretty mountains on a regular basis and as I looked upon this, I wondered if I were up at the top of that mountain, would I be able to see? Complete engulfment.

This was last night at around 5:30pm. Disregard the road. Look at that heavenly sky!!!!!!!!

This was taken right in my neighborhood. Perfect place for a family photo? Yes! I'll just erase those powerlines in the back.

This was taken pointed north at about 7:45pm. Deep loveliness!

So I'll keep taking photos while I drive and I'll keep posting them here. I can't explain the joy that the deep blue and billowyness brings me. My heart just swells.


Anissa said...

Very beautiful pictures. I love clouds too. My favorite is the storm one... i LOVE storm clouds.

Danell said...

Beautiful! I really love the last picture.

Klin said...

I love clouds, too. I just haven't taken pics.