So nice

Today was just a good day. Nothing special happened, I was just super productive. Full of energy and full of pro action to get things done and done right. Don't you love feeling that way for a WHOLE day? It's one of the best gifts, in my opinion.

I feel so blessed these last couple months. I feel like I'm really putting the Lord's hand in my life by making good choices and doing what is right. I pray, I study, I reach out to my family. It's so priceless to have a positive attitude about all things in life. All at once.

It's been a long time since I've felt this balanced. It's finally clear to me that if you take care of yourself first, you can take care of almost anything. Staying close to the Lord is the number one thing I can do for myself. This in turn has blessed my family and my perspective. I just hope I can continue with my goals and keep succeeding. It feels so GOOD!


Anonymous said...

I am working on this area in my life. I reminded the Hubby tonight, that we haven't been praying in front of Little Dude much, beyond his bedtime prayer. He needs to see our faith in action to grow in the faith. said...

I love it when I'm on a roll! Yay for happy days. Hope today's another one.

Kate said...

YAY for great days! You are, indeed, a blessing to your family and those around you. :-)

utmommy said...

I love days like that! They do feel good! Keep up the good work:)

Unknown said...

Why doesn't anyone teach little girls to grow up and take care of is crazy how long it takes most of us to learn this.

I am glad you are on is a much happier and more fulfilling place to be.

Yvonne said...

What a wonderful post, Gina. Thank you. I love how you wrote it was a good day--nothing special happened.

It's wonderful when we feel balanced.

Terry said...

Its nice to go to bed a night feeling like you accomplished a lot with the time given that day and have everything go well and balanced. I'm inspired to work on that tomorrow. :)